Garden bird survey 2017

Kia Ora.
Hope you all are keeping dry in this wet and cold weather. The winter have otherwise been quite nice, with sunny days and clear skies! We have managed to plant half of our plant deliverys so far, but still one delivery from WCC to arrive in a few weeks.
Birds are as we all know super important indicators of the health our natural habitat, and to help discover and learn more about backyard avi-fauna, we ask you to participate in this years Garden bird survey. This citizen science project starts from today- Saturday the 24th to July 2th.
Do let us know if you see any cool birds in your backyard! We would love to know where our local population of kereru hang out during teh winter and also any native falcons, morepork, kakariki or other iconic native birds.
Learn more on how you can help, identify etc on;
It´s time for the 2017 Garden bird survey!