2023 update

Kia Ora,
It's been quite some time since we last updated our website. In fact, it's been almost four years to the date. A lot has happened during this time in terms of the work we have accomplished. We are proud to share that the number of trees and other significant plants we have planted now totals close to 25,000. While the pandemic did affect our activities to some extent, we managed to continue with tasks such as weeding, seed collecting, community engagement, and hosting events. We have had new volunteers join us, while others have moved on.
With this post, we aim to revive our blog and provide regular updates on our activities, going beyond just posting on Instagram and Facebook. Last week, we gave a talk on weedy backyards during Restoration Week. As the planting season is commencing, we are currently allocating plants to sites and scheduling planting days. Although we have conducted some seed collecting over the past months, we still have a long way to go to reach our desired collection targets. Currently, our focus is on harvesting ripe Kohekohe seeds.
We are delighted to announce that we have once again received a generous donation from Weta FX this year. Their ongoing support has played a significant role in our efforts to create a more ecologically healthy peninsula. With their contribution, we have been able to purchase seed raising mix, seed growing trays, a mix of soils, bark chips for creating a soil mixture for growing epiphytes, and various tools and crew gear for our key volunteers. We are immensely grateful to Weta FX for their continued partnership.
Exciting little projects and ideas are in the pipeline, so stay tuned for more updates. We sincerely appreciate your continued interest in our work and the use of our website. If you have any feedback, suggestions for upgrades, or ideas on how we can improve what we do, we would love to hear from you.
Best regards,
Joakim and the Volunteer Crew