Native plants
NZ spinach
Scientific name: Tetragonia tetragonioides
Maori name: kokihi, tutae-ikamoana
Vine or creeper
- native to the Wellington Region
Suits: damp, dry, partial shade, sunny, exposure, coastal and dune garden, small garden or balcony, wetlands and water features
About NZ spinach
An edible sprawling perenial herb which can climb or form mounds. Leaves are fleshy and pleasingly salty, up to 20mm long; darker above than beneath. It can climb rocks and driftwood, with branches reaching a metre long. Stems and sometimes leave edges can be flushed red. Flowers green/yellow, fruit red.
Provides for birds
Nectar | Fruit | Seeds | |
Key | . | . | . |
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Read more about gardening for birds or see full nectar calendar.