Native plants


Scientific name: Pseudopanax arboreus
Maori name: Whauwhaupaku
Other names: Puahou

Pioneer Tree (10m - 15m) - native to the Wellington Region
Suits: damp, dry, shade, partial shade, sunny, shelter, exposure, coastal forest garden, coastal and dune garden, small garden or balcony, wetlands and water features

About Five-finger

A fast growing small tree well known for its luxuriant growth and purple fruit in large obvious clusters from spring to early autumn. The leaves consist of five to seven large glossy leaflets, arranged in a palmate arrangement with leaves around a central stalk. The leaflets are toothed and leathery and very similar to the unrelated Pate, Schefflera digitata. The tree is often multi-branched tree to 8 metre tall, with a rough trunk in grey. branches and branchlets brittle. Can aslo be frequently seen as epiphytic.
Flowers in purple fragrant clusters during winter with inside flowers in limegreen white. Trees have male and femals flowers on separate trees. Flowers are very attractive with nectar eating insects as well as native birds like tui, bellbirds and hihi. Fruit is very popular with a wide range range of native birds like tui, saddleback and kereru. 

Grows well in most soils and situations and often used in the shrubbery, in tubs, as a specimen or for revegetation purposes. Fivefinger is an endemic species and gives a distinctly kiwi character to any ornamental garden.


Provides for birds

  Nectar Fruit Seeds
Key . . .

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec