Native plants

Linum monogynum

Scientific name: Linum monogynum
Maori name: Rauhuia
English name: Native Linen
Other names: New Zealand linen flax, NZ true flax,

Pioneer Other plant - native to the Wellington Region
Suits: dry, sunny, exposure, coastal and dune garden, small garden or balcony

About Linum monogynum

Low-growing coastal shrub with pretty white flowers. Easy plant to grow, but requires some thought in its placement, due to short lifespan and might needs regular pruning to keep in shape. Salt and windtolerant, this little shrub is often found along rocky boulders and cliffs along the coastline. Pure white flowers on bluegreenish steams with flowering from late spring through to the end of summer, making it one of our most attractive coastal flowering plants and an excellent subject for a coastal garden. Seeds freely within suitable conditions or easily raised from seed for later planting.

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