Native plants
Gully fern
Scientific name: Pneumatopteris pennigera
Maori name: piupiu
Other names: Feather fern, Pakauroharoha, Pākau, Lime fern
- native to the Wellington Region
Suits: damp, shade, partial shade, shelter, coastal forest garden, wetlands and water features
About Gully fern
An attractive fern with long fronds often found growing ins shady areas along streams, ponds and gullies. The long fronds which are on short trunks are very sparsely hairy and scaly. Fronds can grow up to 175 cm long on a mature plant.
This attractive fern is easily grown provided it is planted in a permnantly moist soil, in a shaded site, and sheltered from frost. Although usually found in shaded and sheltered situations gully ferns can tolerate some considerable exposure provided its roots are in a permanently damp situation. However the more sheltered location is, the more attractive the fern will look.